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Kassel – On conviviality : A seminar on living together

Crédit image : Giuseppe Penone, Ideas of Stone, 2004–2010. Bronze and stone. Photo: Roman Mensing.

Kassel – On conviviality : A seminar on living together

Absolut Art Bureau is delighted to be a patron of dOCUMENTA (13) and to support On Conviviality: a seminar on living together, part of the Maybe Education and Public Programs.

du 09 juin 2012 au 16 septembre 2012

Absolut Art Bureau 
and dOCUMENTA (13)

9 June–16 September 2012

On Conviviality: A Seminar on Living Together
Friday–Saturday, 29–30 June 2012

Maybe Center for Conviviality
Ständehaus, Ständeplatz 6-10
Kassel, Germany

Absolut Art Bureau is delighted to be a patron of dOCUMENTA (13) and to support On Conviviality: a seminar on living together, part of the Maybe Education and Public Programs.

On Conviviality: A Seminar on Living Together
Taking as a point of departure the notion of conviviality described by the philosopher Ivan Illich in his text Tools for Conviviality (1973), this conference addresses the social and political dimension of the condition of living together. To think about conviviality today means to address the notion of equality under the point of view of social interaction, the way the notion of presence has been interpreted by social media, the debate around modes of dissent and engagement, and the understanding of political and public forms of distribution.

This conference and the performance, a drunken lesson, that closes the program on 29 June revolves around cultural behavior and, in the case of the performance, reflect on the effects of alcohol on perception.

Friday, 29 June 2012
The program starts with a conversation between Suely Rolnik and Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev. Lectures by Diedrich Diederichsen and Boris Groys follow, with an introduction by Chus Martínez.

In vino veritates, a drunken lesson (2012)
A performance by Iacopo Seri (with Diedrich Diederichsen, Boris Groys, Lars Bang Larsen, Chus Martínez, and Cesare Pietroiusti)

In vino veritates, a drunken lesson is an experiment in learning through slips and shifts. It is a performative seminar on « truth, » which it looks for through the devices of alcohol and circumstance—in vino veritas. The participants drink to each new concept shared and discussed together, progressively becoming more and more drunk as the lesson goes on. Rather than looking for a universal model, they engage in parallel thoughts and multiple visions. While no one is able to grasp the bigger picture, each individual bears witness to a portion of the whole, and of truth, transmitting and expanding it in unpredictable ways, beyond the confines of the lesson and the logic of learning itself.

Saturday, 30 June 2012
Hangover Breakfast
A wrap-up panel discussion about the previous evening with the participants of the seminar.

Presentation of Lee Miller Cookbook (Grapefrukt Forlag, 2012)
The publication contains 130 of the artist’s recipes, along with step-by-step instructions for ten dinner-party menus. It also features previously unpublished photographs by Miller and drawings by Roland Penrose. An aperitif and a conversation with Antony Penrose, Karen Hagen, and others follow.

This event is free—we hope you can join us. Additional details are available on and

Absolut Art Bureau
Absolut Art Bureau is responsible for The Absolut Company’s international art initiatives. The first spirit brand to forge genuinely close ties with art and artists, Absolut has been active in the art world since 1985, when it invited Andy Warhol to create the first in a series of iconic advertisements inspired by the Absolut bottle. Since then, Absolut has collaborated with more than 500 artists on over 800 commissioned projects. Today, Absolut supports acclaimed artists, art writers, and institutions in their efforts to present new works, stimulate ideas, bring people together, and broaden access to creativity. Through its diverse international sponsorships, Absolut Art Bureau encourages openness and experimentation in all visual media and across the full spectrum of contemporary art practice. Absolut Art Bureau is a unit of The Absolut Company. Please visit for additional information.

Press contact
For additional information on Absolut Art Bureau’s support of dOCUMENTA (13), Absolut Art Bureau’s activities at dOCUMENTA (13), and the Absolut Art Award, please contact:

Sutton PR
Kristina McLean
T +44 (0) 207 183 3577

A voir aussi

CONFÉRENCE CUT – « Réduire, ralentir, résister : quel cinéma pour un monde en transformation ? »
Architectures et Écologies de l’Amazonie – Université de Pennsylvanie

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