Le Théâtre de la Concorde organise une soirée immersive inédite, où la défense de la nature prend la forme d’un…
Hosted by The Bureau, Tuesday 13th June, 19.00hrs
A Plastic Ocean is a new feature-length adventure documentary that brings to light the consequences of our global disposable lifestyle. We thought we could use plastic once and throw it away with negligible impact to humans and animals. That turns out to be untrue.
In A Plastic Ocean, an international team of adventurers, researchers, and Ocean ambassadors go on a mission around the globe to uncover the shocking truth about what is truly lurking beneath the surface of our seemingly pristine Ocean.
The results will astound viewers–just as it did our adventurers–who captured never-before-seen images of marine life, plastic pollution, and its ultimate consequences for human health.
During its four-year production period, A Plastic Ocean was filmed in 20 locations around the world in beautiful and chilling detail to document the global effects of plastic pollution–and introduce workable technology and policy solutions that can, if implemented in time, change things for the better.
A Plastic Ocean
Tuesday 13th June 2017, 19.00hrs
The Bureau
28 Cours Albert 1er, 75 008 Paris
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Le Théâtre de la Concorde organise une soirée immersive inédite, où la défense de la nature prend la forme d’un…
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