Le Théâtre de la Concorde organise une soirée immersive inédite, où la défense de la nature prend la forme d’un…
From anatomical studies and landscape painting to Surrealism’s bio-morphs, the biological realm historically provided a significant resource for numerous artists. More recently, Bio Art refers to the intersecting domains of the biological sciences and their incorporation into the plastic arts. This interdisciplinary residency will take place in the new Fine Arts Nature and Technology Laboratory located in the heart of New York City’s Chelsea gallery district. Each student will be assigned an individual work station, and participants will have access to all of the facilities. The Lab houses microscopes for photo and video imaging; skeleton, specimen and slide collections; an herbarium, aquarium and library. Demonstrations will include microscopy, plant tissue engineering, molecular cuisine and the production of micro eco-systems; students may work in any medium including the performing arts. The Residency will be led by artist Suzanne Anker, Chair of the BFA Fine Arts Department at SVA, and Brandon Ballengée, bio- artist. In addition, visiting speakers will include artists, scientists, and museum professionals.
4 credits, 2400 USD
May 29–June 29, 2012
Le Théâtre de la Concorde organise une soirée immersive inédite, où la défense de la nature prend la forme d’un…
ARVIVA – Arts vivants, Arts durables est de retour pour une quatrième édition de ses Rencontres annuelles, pour se parler…
SANS RÉSERVE, le nouveau rendez-vous artistique et festif dédié à la création engagée pour le vivant, imaginé par COAL revient…